Notary Public
A ”notarius publicus” (Latin for ”public notary”) is appointed by the County Administrative Board to, among other things, assist the public with checking and certifying the truth in various declarations.
Open reception (”drop-in”) for matters at the notary public is on Mondays between 11.00 AM and 12.00 PM (excluding holidays). You do not need to book an appointment if you come then.
If it suits you better to come in the evening, you have the opportunity to book an appointment on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 6.00 PM and 7.00 PM. In that case, click on the link ”Boka” at the top of the page and select an available time.
By special agreement, we can in certain situations also offer booking of an appointment during working hours (a fee of SEK 500 will be added outside our regular reception hours) as well as home visits (price as agreed depending on travel distance). Some cases can also be handled by post (handling fee of SEK 500 and postage cost will apply). Send an e-mail to if interested.
The address for our reception is Beväringsgatan 10 in Örebro (see map below). The entrance to our reception is at the back of the building – follow the directions that can be found on signs both by the street and on the mailbox and you will find the way.
If you go by bus you should choose line 8 from downtown (towards Bettorp) and get off at the stop Grenadjärvallen.
Legalization / Notarization
The notary public can assist in certifying / notarizing various documents, so-called legalization or notarization . This can apply to proxies, purchase documents, transcripts, invitations to persons in other countries who must apply for a visa to Sweden, adoption documents and translations, etc. The notary public witnesses signatures, certifies that copies correspond to the original documents presented and confirms that translations have been made by authorized translators.
The notary public does not determine the content of the document to be signed, nor design such documents. If you wish to have a document certified you are responsible for ensuring that the document’s design and content correspond to the requirements that apply in the recipient’s country. Remember to bring your own printout of the document to your visit with us.
According to the so-called Hague Convention, apostille (French for ”marginal note” and Latin for ”supplement”) can be issued on documents to be presented in another convention country. When an act is endowed with an apostille, it is exempt from any form of attestation, ie. normally no further approval from a foreign embassy is required. In Sweden, only a notary public may issue an apostille.
The fact that a document is provided with an apostille means that the notary public certifies which authority issued the document, who signed it and in what capacity, and that the document bears the authority’s stamp / seal. It is therefore a requirement for the issuance of an apostille that this information appears in the document.
Apostille is also issued on documents or certificates issued by an authorized translator as well as certificates issued by a notary public.
The following documents may be affixed with an apostille, provided that they bear a stamp, signature and name clarification:
- documents issued by government agencies (e.g. the Swedish Tax Agency, Swedish Patent and Registration Office, Swedish Companies Registration Office, Medical Products Agency, National Board of Health and Welfare)
- register extracts and other police documents
- court documents, e.g. judgment on divorce from district courts
- grades / certificates from universities, colleges, municipal schools (not independent schools)
- documents signed by a notary public
- documents signed by one of Sweden’s Chambers of Commerce, translations made by an authorized translator at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce
- extracts from baptism, birth and marriage registers from the pastoral office, marriage certificates from the Church of Sweden and civil marriage registrars (not from non-religious or foreign denominations), other documents from the Church of Sweden, if these are issued before 1 January 2000.
Notary public Örebro does NOT do translations. You can find Swedish authorized translators via
You can pay by card or swish.
NOTE! We do NOT accept cash payment.
Legalization/Notarization SEK 450 for the first stamp. Then SEK 250 per stamp on the same document.
Apostille SEK 550
Package price Legalization/Notarization + Apostille SEK 950
Certification of adoption documents SEK 5,000 – 10,000 depending on scope. Contact a notary public for further information.
Photocopying of documents SEK 5 / page
Printouts of documents SEK 50 / page
When certifying photocopies:
Always bring the original document to be copied. We copy and issue certificates and stamps.
When certifying a signature:
Certification of signature means that we witness your signature. You must therefore appear in person at our reception and sign your document. Bring your own printout of the document you are going to sign and your ID.
The identification must be valid and we accept Swedish driving licenses, Swedish SIS-marked ID cards and Swedish and foreign passports. In addition, the so-called National ID Card (EEA National ID Card) is accepted, which is issued in one of the countries that participate fully in Schengen co-operation, where citizenship is clearly stated.
Please note that foreign ID cards and foreign driving licenses are not accepted.
The notary public does not determine the content of the document to be signed, nor design such documents. If you wish to have a signature certified you are responsible for ensuring that the document’s design and content correspond to the requirements that apply in the recipient’s country. Remember to bring your own printout of the document to your visit with us.
When certifying translations:
In order for us to be able to confirm that a translation has been made by an authorized translator, it must be provided with the translator’s signature and a stamp from the Swedish Chamber of Commerce stating that the translator is an authorized translator.
You can find Swedish authorized translators via
When certifying certain powers of attorney and life certificates:
Some documents, including Spanish and French proxies, contain personal information about the principal that the notary public must certify. Then, in addition to your identification, you must bring with you documentation that shows that this information is correct, usually a personal certificate from the Swedish Tax Agency.
If you are unsure of what documentation is required, please contact us for a review of the documents.
In a life certificate for certain countries, the address and marital status must be certified by a notary public. If you have such a life certificate, you must bring a fresh personal certificate to us where this information appears.
When certifying company signatory:
When we are to certify that someone has the right to sign the company, an original registration certificate or e-registration certificate must be presented. Remember that the registration certificate must not be older than three months.
The notary public in Örebro is the lawyer Paul Forsberg.
Assistant notary public, who serves when the ordinary notary public is vacant or prevented from serving, is the lawyer Dan Moberg.
In addition to the open reception, the notary public in Örebro can be reached via e-mail at the address
Answering machine with information (in Swedish): 076-7923311